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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Falkland Island.马岛

The tiny city of Stanley lies on the eastern tip of East Falkland Island. Stanley became the Falkland's capital in 1845 and was named after Lord Stanley. Stanley and the Falklands long served as a way station for ships bound to and from Cape Horn. Today, tourism,fishing, and sheep farming constitute the Falkland's primary economy. As of the 2006 census, the city had a population of 2,115. It's best remembered as the cause of the 1982 war between Argentina and the United Kingdom.


Falkland Island,福克兰岛的很大一部分旅游项目来自于参观企鹅的繁殖地,在这里可以和自然环境下生活的小企鹅近距离接触。我们早早预定了看企鹅的节目,就盼着有个好的天气可以让我们顺利上岸。因为史丹尼很小,包括船员和餐服人员可以承载三千多人的公主号只能停泊在史丹尼外港,用小船接送旅客上岛,所以天气很重要。

Falkland Island

Church, whale bone and Ross Road 教堂,鲸鱼骨
Church, whale bone and Ross Road

Memorial for the 1982 Falklands Conflict,1982年的马岛之战纪念碑
Memorial for the 1982 Falklands Conflict

The excusion we took was to see Gentoo Penguins at Bluff Cove Lagoon. We rided on a minbus at Port Stanley for about 20 minutes, then transfer to Land-rovers for adventurous off-road safari to Bluff Cove Lagoon.
There are more than 1000 breeding pairs of Gentoo Penguins in the colony.
Facts about Gentoo Penguins: they lay two eggs a year in October, the hatch takes 35 days, the chicks are fed for 100 days by both of their parents,after that,the chicks will get into sea to catch food by themself. The adults are about 30 inches tall, 12LB in weight, can live about 8 years.
我们要去看的企鹅的Bluff Cove Lagoon离史丹尼大约要40分钟的车程,其中乘20分钟的小巴士再转20分钟4轮驱动穿过一片没有路的小山坡。
Riding 4X4 off road
Riding 4X4 off road

Gentoo penguin colony 那一片大约大部分是今年生的小企鹅,加上他们外出捕鱼的父母,这里约有1000对Gentoo企鹅。Gentoo企鹅每年10十月份产两颗蛋,要孵化35天,小企鹅要靠父母喂100天左右,其间它们会把身上最早不防水的细绒褪尽,过了100天就要自己下海捕鱼了。成年的Gentoo企鹅约30英寸高,12磅重,可以活8年。
Gentoo penguin colony @ falkland island

Singing,最早在迪斯尼的电影happy feet中看到企鹅们会唱歌觉得有点夸张,现在知道了“唱”对企鹅很重要。企鹅们是一夫一妻制,小企鹅出生后只是自己的父母才会喂养,所以,“唱”是使他们可以在成千上万的同类中找到自己的配偶,父母。


Carry-on down pillow ? 挺像带着上飞机用的小枕头,身上还有不少细绒没有腿尽
Carry-on down pillow ?

Parents back from the ocean,父母从海里捕鱼归来,鱼呢?在肚子里~~
Parents back from the ocean


Attacking ? 小企鹅是不会再吃掉到地上的食物,这里便常常有海鸟来捡便宜,海鸟很大,多吓吓小企鹅可能会抢到更多的便宜。
Attacking ?

Mom, slow down ! 小企鹅觉得母亲跑得太快了,后面的老二快跟不上了
Mom, slow down !

Wait for me ! 小企鹅快跑不动了
Wait for me !

The King Penguin is the second largest species of penguin at about 90 cm tall and weighing 11 to 16 kg。The female penguin lays one egg per year,the egg is incubated for around 55 days with both birds sharing incubation in shifts of 6-18 days each.
King penguins on duty,5个王企鹅正在孵蛋
King penguins on duty

The gentoo penguin colony,当天我们一组到Bluff Cove大约是近中午,气温大约有12度,可是风很大,还不是一般的大,感觉也就是0度那样,拍照也比较艰难,手抖得厉害。
The gentoo penguin colony @ Falkland Island

Running around,Gentoo企鹅是体形比较小的一种,一般小的品种越好动。
Running around

Walking towards my camera,为了不惊扰企鹅们,游客们被建议不要接近企鹅4.5米内,不过你不动的话,新生的小企鹅常常会好奇地走向游客,这个显然对我的镜头比较感兴趣。。。
Walking towards my camera


My reflection in her eyes,大头照,从她的眼里可以看到我的映射
My reflection in her eyes

Two nice looking Belted Galloway cattle near the gentoo penguin colony。Belted Galloways, are currently listed with the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy as a "watched" breed, which means there are fewer than 2,500 annual registrations in the United States and a global population of less than 10,000.
在企鹅繁居地附近拍到两头不多见的Belted Galloway牛(2007前全球总数不超过1万头)
Nice looking cow !

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