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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gerlache Strait & Neumayer Channel吉拉屈海峡。纽美耶水道

Gerlache Strait & Neumayer Channel

A Humpback Whale @ Bransfield Strait,这条从船边经过的Humpback鲸鱼是早上六点多拍到的。
A Humpback Whale @ Bransfield Strait

A Humpback Whale @ Bransfield Strait,同一条Humpback鲸鱼正准备下潜。
A Humpback Whale @ Bransfield Strait

Penguins on ice,有一个小企鹅在浮冰上
Penguins on ice

Cloudy Gerlache Strait, 云雾缭绕的吉拉屈海峡
Gerlache Strait

A foot shape iceberg
A foot shape iceberg

Icebergs, glacier @ Gerlache Strait
Icebergs, glacier @ Gerlache Strait

Icebergs, glacier @ Gerlache Strait
Iceberg @ Gerlache Strait

Penguin on ice
Penguin on ice

Neumayer Channel is a channel 16 miles (26 km) long in a NE-SW direction and about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) wide, separating Anvers Island from Wiencke Island and Doumer Island, in the Palmer Archipelago. Neumayer Channel is known for its majestic cliffs, an attraction for tourists who come to the region. It is said to be like a maze with no visible exits because of its inverted S-shape. Its entrance and exits both have sharp bends.

Cloudy Neumayer Channel
Cloudy Neumaier Channel

Glacier @ Neumayer Channel,纽美耶水道有长达8英里宽2英里漂亮的冰川.
Glacier @ Neumaier Channel

An unique shape iceberg, 当然还有各种不同形状的浮冰
An unique shape iceberg

Clouds moving away from glacier-capped peak,气候变得很快,冰雪覆盖下的山顶在雨雾中时隐时现
Clouds moving away from glacier-capped peak

The sky is getting brighter,早上还是阴沉沉的天总算亮了起来,可以看到些蓝天了
The sky is getting brighter

The melting ice casting a line on the water,这里风平浪静,融化的冰在平静的水面画上了一条条梦幻的线条。公主号降低到她最慢的巡航速度,纽美耶水道就像一幅美妙的风景画在我们面前慢慢地展开.
The melting ice casting a line on the water

Neumayer Channel,纽美耶水道,这里静得倒影清晰可见,窄得几乎伸手可及
Neumaier Channel

A quiet moment,弯曲而狭窄的水道,出口处,公主号慢慢地转向,乘客们很兴奋却又很安静
A quiet moment

A crown shaped iceberg,巨大的冰皇冠
A crown shaped iceberg

Paradise Harbor, also known as Paradise Bay, with beautiful snow-capped mountains and ice, is home to whales and penguins, the almirante brown station of Argentina is also located in the bay.
天气一点点开朗了,经过和另一艘在同一区域的邮轮联系后,船长决定去公主号从未到过的天堂湾。天堂湾常年覆盖着冰雪,很多鲸鱼和企鹅,还有阿根廷的Almirante brown考察站。
Paradise Harbor

Jump or not to jump,可能公主号是第一艘到这里的3000人的大船,这个企鹅有点犹豫不决,是不是要下水避一避,同伴已经跳进水里了。。。
Jump or not to jump

Penguins on ice,这几个可能是见过世面的,一点也不惊慌
Penguins on ice

Almirante Brown Antarctic Base (64°51' S, 62°54' W) is an Argentine Antarctic base. The original station located in Paradise Bay was burned down in 1984. The base has been partially rebuilt, but is occupied only in the summer season.
位于南纬64度51分和西经62度54分的阿根廷Almirante Brown南极站,曾毁于1984的一场大火,现在部分重建并只在夏天使用。
Almirante Brown Antarctic Base

Whale and iceberg,鲸鱼和浮冰
Whale and iceberg

The weather has quickly changed again. 天又有点阴了
Paradise Harbor

Deception Island is an island in the South Shetland Islands off the Antarctic Peninsula which has one of the safest harbours in Antarctica. A recently active volcano, its eruptions in 1967 and 1969 caused serious damage to the scientific stations there. The only current research bases are run by the Argentine Army and Spain.
The beaches and waters of Deception Island are home to Weddel and crab-eater seals, as well as Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins. Baily Head on the west side of the island holds one of the world's largest chinstrap rookeries.

这里的沙滩和水里有众多的Weddel海豹,吃海蟹的海豹,Gentoo和Chinstrap企鹅,在岛西面的Baily Head是世界最大规模的Chinstrap企鹅栖息地之一

Chinstrap penguin colony all over the mountain,岛西的Baily Head,满山遍野的Chinstrap企鹅
Chinstrap penguin colony @ Deception Island

Beautiful Deception Island,山峦层叠,云雾盘绕
Beautiful Deception Island

Smelled before spotted,远远传来的味道,那么的浓,就知道“满山遍野”也不够形容
Smelled before spotted

Penguin jumping out of water,除了岸上的,水里还有很多
Penguin jumping out of water

Penguin jumping out of water,行色匆匆
Penguin jumping out of water

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